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You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

Battling Marketing Resistance

Battling Marketing Resistance by Jill CelesteMarketing Resistance is real. Every entrepreneur (including marketing experts!) has marketing resistance. It’s part of the entrepreneurial journey. The good news? You can overcome resistance with some mindset coaching.

Do I get Marketing Resistance? You bet! It’s like my brain is wired for surround-sound Ego talk – blaring its messages of Resistance. “Don’t do this! Don’t do that!”

(I mention this so you know you’re not alone!)

While every entrepreneur experiences Marketing Resistance, it doesn’t mean you have to dwell in it. In other words, you can push through Marketing Resistance.

Let’s explore this a little further in this week’s marketing strategy.



I love to create graphics that enhance the learning in my weekly marketing strategies. Please feel free to share these on your social media!

Your Inner People Pleaser is making everyone happy - except you. - Jill Celeste


Marketing resistance is something you’ll encounter every day as an entrepreneur. I experience it. My clients have experienced it. Even the most successful entrepreneurs face it.

Now that you understand it’s part of our journey, it’s important to learn how to battle your resistance.

To do this, I will share with you three common myths your Ego is telling you about your marketing – and how to combat each one. Ready?

#1: People are tired of hearing from me.

Ever have your Ego blast this message in your head? It often happens when you want to email your list or post something on social media. “They are tired of hearing from you,” your Ego will proclaim.

Guess what? It’s not true. You are the leader of your community, and your community members want to hear from you!

Additionally, thanks to social media algorithms and unopened emails, the chances are slim that your community saw your first message. Therefore, it’s a good marketing practice to keep sharing your message.

Don’t buy into this claim that people are tired of hearing from you. They are not. And if they are, they’re not your ideal clients.

#2: I am upsetting people.

Changemakers often take a stand for things in their marketing, and yes, it could upset someone, especially if you’ve taken a polarizing stance.

If your marketing message upsets someone, it’s probably because she is not your ideal client.

Furthermore, this is the work of your Ego, projecting “what could happen” and tapping into your inner people pleaser. Call it for what it is and keep marketing (unapologetically).

#3: Why bother? Marketing doesn’t work.

Have you ever wanted to throw your hands up in frustration because it feels like your marketing isn’t working?

I know I have – and I am a marketing expert!

The Ego knows (1) we are impatient, (2) we want immediate results, (3) and we’re not confident – and that all equals the perfect resistance message of “why bother?”

Overnight marketing success does not exist. Marketing is about the long game, and everything you do for your marketing is helping (even if it doesn’t appear to be at the moment).

Marketing does work. Sure, it may need tweaking, but it does work. Stay in faith about your marketing efforts because they will pay off (despite what your Ego says).

Busting through Marketing Resistance is part of the job as Director of Marketing for your business. However, be conscientious about what Marketing Resistance really is – your Ego! While your Ego means wells, it’s a horrible marketing coach. Don’t take its Marketing advice (ever).

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Imagine getting a little inspirational note every day – one that’s catered to you as a spiritual, change-making female entrepreneur.
That’s the idea behind “Celestial Love Notes” – a daily inspirational love note from me to you, delivered right to your inbox!

If you could use more joy, love, and promise in your day, start your free subscription to Celestial Love Notes today.

About Jill

Jill Celeste is an international bestselling author, marketing teacher, and founder of the CelestialUniversity.
Read more about Jill