You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers


3 Networking Tips for Introverts

3 Networking Tips for Introverts

Fellow introverts, I am here to tell you: You can be introverted, attend networking meetings, and not feel like your head is going to pop off in the process. I am living proof! I attend at least two networking meetings a week. It’s been a work in progress to find the...

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Why Networking Feels Icky

Why Networking Feels Icky

Does the idea of networking make you feel icky? Does having a root canal seem more desirable? I recently participated in a LinkedIn conversation with a woman entrepreneur who described marketing as “icky,” mostly because she was tired of the forced referral model and...

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4 Ways To Quickly Increase Your Cash Flow

4 Ways To Quickly Increase Your Cash Flow

Do you need to increase your cash flow right away? Sometimes as entrepreneurs, we need a quick “cash infusion.” Ideally, we don’t want to operate from a “feast or famine” mode, but life isn’t perfect. And, neither are our businesses. The following four tips to...

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How To Promote Your Book At Networking Meetings

How To Promote Your Book At Networking Meetings

If you are an author of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, you should use the power of networking meetings to promote your book. Often, authors don’t think of networking as a way to find readers, but as the author of two books, I am here to tell you: Networking has...

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Nailing Your 30-Second Introduction

Nailing Your 30-Second Introduction

I have facilitated many networking meetings in my career, especially as the founder of Virtual Networkers, so I say this statement with great confidence and love: A big marketing mistake you may make as a woman entrepreneur is not nailing down your 30-second...

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5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Networking

5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Networking

Whether you’re networking in person or virtually, you want to ensure you are getting the most out of your networking efforts. As the founder of Virtual Networkers (a worldwide virtual networking organization for female entrepreneurs), I am often asked: Jill, how I can...

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Successful Virtual Coffee Dates

Successful Virtual Coffee Dates

Coffee dates (sometimes called one-to-ones) may be old-fashioned, but if you are looking for referrals and clients, virtual coffee dates can help you a lot. Some entrepreneurs shy away from virtual coffee dates because they don’t know how to make it worth their time....

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